Thank you for registering!
The PULSE Dashboard Fundamentals training class will enable you to get started or make better use of the software to meet your individual needs. Monte Geuy and Ann Hayner will be conducting the training. Please spend a few minutes to prepare by thinking about the areas of your job where you need better information to make better and faster decisions.
Helpful Documents
Below are links to several helpful documents for your use during the class and for future reference.
Fundamentals Training Handout
This will be a helpful reference during the class.
PULSE Software Definitions
Good desk reference to better understand the meaning of various Macola and PULSE terms.
How Do I Use Customer or Invoice Collection Notes?
This is a tip sheet for using the PULSE accounts receivable collection notes feature.
How do I close a range of Macola purchase orders and purging them to the history file?
This is a tip sheet for cleaning up old purchase orders.
If these do not apply to you, please pass them on to those who might be interested.
We very much appreciate your support of our software and we look forward to having you participate in this training!