This article is for customers who are getting a new server, adding multiple servers, getting rid of old servers, or wanting to move eCommerce or Lockbox.
Companies will often say “We are implementing a new server”. This could mean a new fileserver, SQL server, application server, or all of the above. Smaller companies may have everything installed on a single server. In this case, a single server acts as a SQL server, a fileserver, and an application server. Therefore, clarification is needed when a company states they are implementing a new server.
There are four considerations to be made for eCommerce/Lockbox. All four elements do not necessarily need to be changed.
Server/NAS/SAN That Hosts the eCommerce Program Files
This does not need to be the SQL server, but it can be.
Right-click on the eCommerce or Lockbox shortcut. Click “open file location”. This is where the eCommerce program files are currently hosted. Are these files hosted on an old server that will be decommissioned? If not, then nothing needs to be done. If so, then these files will need to be copied over to a different location. All the shortcuts on each user workstation will also need to be changed.
eCommerce Automatic (lights out) Windows Service
This is optional. It must be the same server that hosts the eCommerce program files. This is only for eCommerce, not Lockbox. If the automatic service is being used, and the eCommerce program files are being moved, then the Windows service is also being moved.
- To check to see if the Windows service is being used, log in to the server hosting the eCommerce program files.
- In the start menu, type services, and click Services when it comes up.
- Sort the services by name and look for “Leahy Pulse eCommerce Import Orders”.
- If the service is present, it will need to be stopped on the old server and set up on the new server.
- Right-click on the service and click Stop. The files can be copied over to the new server now.
- See documentation on how to install the automatic service on the new server.
The Pulse Database
This is not a Macola database. It contains all the complex settings for eCommerce/Lockbox, including how to connect to Macola databases.
- From Lockbox / eCommerce, click Settings \ Pulse Database. Check this screen to see where the existing database is hosted. It should be called Pulse, PulseeCommerce, PulseLockbox, etc.
- What server is eCommerce/Lockbox pointed to? Is it an old server to be decommissioned? If so, the Pulse database needs to be copied over from the old server to the new one. If the SQL server on this screen is not being decommissioned, then nothing needs to be done.
- What about authentication? Is Windows or SQL authentication being used? If it is SQL authentication, verify the SQL user exists on the new server, and that it has access to the Pulse and Macola databases. See “Setup SQL Authenticated user” documentation.
- When the Pulse database and user authentication are set up correctly on the new SQL server, use the settings\Pulse Database screen to connect to the new SQL Server / database. Change authentication settings if necessary.
Macola Databases
Click on Settings \ Company database setup. On this screen are any Macola companies that eCommerce/Lockbox connects to. The same steps used for the Pulse database are used here. If the software is pointing to databases on an old SQL server that will be decommissioned, the databases must be moved over to the new SQL server. If not, nothing needs to be done.
Note for Pulse Lockbox Only
If you are also upgrading to Macola ES / M10 version 9.8.700 or higher, then you will need to be on Lockbox version or later.