This 55-minute refresher webinar is for existing and potential PULSE Dashboard users who want to learn about the supply chain capabilities of this software.
We constantly add new analysis reports that might benefit you and your organization.
The PULSE Dashboard modules we review in this video are:
Analytical and information reports are all pre-built, so you can start using them immediately.
Watch the PULSE Dashboard Supply Chain Refresher Class below!
Macola® is a registered trademark of Macola® Software / ECi Software Solutions. PULSE Dashboard, PULSE Archive, PULSE eCommerce, PULSE Lockbox, PULSE Security, PULSE POS Analytics, and PULSE Utilities are trademarks of Leahy Consulting. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective holders. Leahy Consulting is an independent firm and is not affiliated with Microsoft® or Macola® Software.
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