Supply chain delays, inventory management issues, and production shortages are becoming the norm. Vendor lead times, delivery dates, and quantities are constantly changing. Many companies do not have the right tools to analyze their situation and take action. Our PULSE Dashboard software can help.
The PULSE Dashboard Fundamental Training will show you how to use the PULSE Dashboard & Reporting software to obtain real-time information to make better and faster decisions. This training is for new users, potential users, or existing users who want a refresher.
Learn what information is available at your fingertips that you need for your job, how to add or change columns of data on the screen, how to create custom tabs, etc.
Remember, good things happen to those who PULSE!
Watch the PULSE Dashboard Fundamentals Training below.
Macola® is a registered trademark of Macola® Software / ECi Software Solutions. Pulse Dashboard, Pulse Archive, Pulse eCommerce, Pulse Lockbox, Pulse Security, Pulse POS Analytics, and Pulse Utilities are trademarks of Leahy Consulting. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective holders.Leahy Consulting is an independent firm and is not affiliated with Microsoft® or Macola® Software.
Call (513) 723-8091 with any questions, questions or to request a written quotation.