Make your purchasing more efficient with an intuitive and powerful vendor collaboration system.
Recall the time when you called a vendor about a late delivery only to find that the vendor never received your purchase order? The Purchase Order Manager Web Portal provides real-time collaboration with your vendors. All correspondence, technical specs, acknowledgments, price changes, promise date changes, etc. are logged and updated to your Macola® database. Real-time reports allow you to see orders that have not been viewed by your vendors, price changes, quantity changes, and promise date changes, etc.
Traditionally, buyers have to contact each vendor for each P/O to obtain promise dates, quantities available to ship, updated pricing, notes, etc.
The PULSE Purchase Order Management System puts your vendors to work for you.
Watch the PULSE Purchase Order Manager Overview
Ready to start making your purchasing more efficient? Learn more about the PULSE Purchase Order Management System.
Macola® is a registered trademark of Macola® Software / ECi Software Solutions. Pulse Dashboard, Pulse Archive, Pulse eCommerce, Pulse Lockbox, Pulse Security, Pulse POS Analytics, and Pulse Utilities are trademarks of Leahy Consulting. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective holders.Leahy Consulting is an independent firm and is not affiliated with Microsoft® or Macola® Software.
Call (513) 723-8091 with any questions, questions or to request a written quotation.